What is Local Hazard Warning System?
The Local Hazard Warning System is a concept of having a variety of sensors outside of a house to provide early warning to residence inside the house. The potential hazards including:
- Fire
- Harmful/Flammable Gas
- Lightning
- Unusual Events
Introduction Video
How Does It Work?
This project is not completed yet. However, I’m planning to combine a variety of sensors to provide different levels of warnings. The sensors including:
- Sound Sensor (PIC AVR TE136)
- Hall Effect Sensor Switch (3144E)
- Flame Sensor (KY-026)
- Temperature Humidity Barometric Pressure Sensor (BME280)
- Smoke Gas Sensor (MQ-02)
- Lightning Distance Detector (AS3935)
- Infrared Remote Temperature Sensor (freetronics-irtemp)
- Raspberry Pi Camera
- Grove Light Sensor
- Under Review – Rain Sensor (R1C5)
- Under Review – Smoke Air Quality Sensor (MQ-135)
I recently had a fire incident on the street next to our house.
I don’t know how the fire started, but the rain of embers flew into our backyard and started small fires everywhere.
My next-door neighbour was away and a small fire started in their garden too.
Luckily enough, it made a large burning noise, we were able to call fire brigade early and fight the embers with a garden hose to prevent it from spreading.
We usually have an alarm system inside our house, but I don’t see anything commonly used to watch out for hazards outside our house.
So, I decided to explore the concept and build a prototype.
What’s Next?
I will start to work with Lightning Distance Detector.